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Army Says 1,400 “illegal” Refugees from Balkans Are Living in Jewish Dp Camps

March 7, 1948
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Approximately 1,400 Jewish refugees who arrived in U.S. zone of Germany after April 21, 1947 are living in Jewish DP camps “illegal ##” Army authorities estimated today following the Issuance of now identity cards to displaced persons. The Army is 3oing ahead with its plans to transfer the Jews, ##t of them from Rumania and Hungary, to German refugee centers.

AMG officials are determined to oust these Jews from the regular DP camps, ##dp them of all DP privileges and throw them into the German economy. To date ##ee groups have been removed from the Leipheim, Neu Ulm and Bayreuth camps, and large group of 300 was discovered in the Zeilsheim camp, near Frankfurt.

The Jewish Central Committee of Germany today dispatched a cable to the U.N. Security Council declaring that “the Jewish population in the DP camps is deeply cocked and disappointed by suggestions in the Council” which would delay the im##entation of the Palestine partition decision.“Everyday camp life moans now pain and sorrow,” the message states. “Do at abandon the victims of fascism. We call upon you to enable our quick release. ## not lead us to full despair.” Dispatch of the cable followed a special meeting ##led by the Committee on the present Palestine situation.

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