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Council of Jewish Women Bids Senate Vote Cloture on Civil Rights Debate

March 5, 1968
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The National Council of Jewish Women today urged the Senate to vote for cloture this week so that action on pending civil rights legislation is not subjected to further delay. Mrs. Leonard H. Weiner, president of the service organization, said at a meeting of its national board’s executive committee that “it is unthinkable that the cloture vote should fail again now that the Senators are confronted with the full report of the President’s National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders.”

The executive committee issued four topical statements at its two day session here covering civil rights legislation, urban needs, foreign aid and human rights. In the latter category, the NCJW expressed “concern and dissatisfaction” that the United States has ratified only one of the pending United Nations human rights conventions, that dealing with slavery. “It is astonishing and disturbing that the United States, long a beacon of moral leadership, should lag behind in this basic expression of commitment to universal morality,” the statement said.

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