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Eden Says U.s., Britain Planning Further Action to Save Jews in Occupied Countries

March 31, 1944
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Further joint action by the United States and Great Britain looking towards the rescue of Jews and other persecuted people from Nazi-occupied countries is under discussion, it was revealed today in the House of Commons by Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden.

Asked for a statement defining the British Government’s attitude on the question of assisting the imperiled Jews of Hungary and the other satellite states, Mr. Eden declared that “His Majesty’s Government, in common with the other Allies, as the hour of Germany’s defeat grows nearer, repeats its detestation of the German crimes and its determination that those guilty will be brought to justice. The satellites, who are expelling their citizens to destinations named by Berlin must know that such action is tantamount to assisting in this inhuman persecution.”

In a combined warning and appeal to the people of the German puppet governments, the Foreign Secretary said that their assistance in persecuting Jews and other oppressed people “will not be forgotten when the inevitable defeat of Europe’s arch-enemy comes,” but that “His Majesty’s Government wishes to make clear that those who have followed the right path will also not be forgotten in the final reckoning. There is still an opportunity,” he continued, “for the merciful to multiply their acts of humanity, and for the guilty to make amends by releasing their victims and making restitution to them.”

Eden said further that the government would cooperate with all private and official bodies to rescue and maintain as far as possible all persons menaced by Nazi terror. He agreed to take the necessary steps to see that his statement would be brought to “the attention of those concerned.”

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