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Independent Workmen’s Circle Opens Convention

June 1, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Daily Bulletin)

The nineteenth convention of the Independent Workmen’s Circle opened here Sunday night at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel. One hundred and nine delegates, representing 75 branches, are present.

Morris Horowitz, national chairman, in his opening address, urged the delegates to avert a split of the order on the ground of different political opinions of the members and asked them not to destroy the independent and impartial spirit of the order.

Negotiations between the Independent Workmen’s Circle and the New York Workmen’s Circle for an amalgamation of the two orders have not yet led to results, Mr. Horowitz reported at the second session of the convention.

The president also reported that a committee of the Order, having rendered a favorable report after an investigation of the complaints by Jacob Marinoff against the Hias, the order had contributed $3,500 to the Hias campaign.

Fourteen new branches with 1,000 new members were added to the order during the past two years, bringing the total membership to 7,000.

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