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of Palestine Jews Mob Registration Offices As Manpower Mobilization Begins

December 10, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Thousands of young Jews between the ages of 17 and danmed Jewish Agency registration offices today as the official mobilization of ##sh manpower began. Only a small portion of the 70,000 to 80,000 expected to ##ster will be taken into the Jewish militia. The others will remain on call for ##vice on railroads, customs posts, harbors, telegraph and other state bureaus.

British police firing wildly along crowed streets in the center of Tel Aviv ## morning killed two Jews and wounded two others after a police armored car had ##set ablaze by unknown attackers, believed to be Irgunists, using Molotov cock##ls.The attack on the armored car set off a wild melee which lasted for nearly a half-hour. Police cars dashed up and down Allenby Road fring indiscriminately, ##le work-bound throngs scurried for cover. One of the dead is alleged to have been wrong the attackers, but the other fatality was Zipora Passmanic, 19, who was struck ## a stray bullet which entered a bus in which she was riding.


The Agency is continuing negotiations with the government on the question of was for the Jewish Police who will replace the Britons scheduled to be withdrawn from the Tel Aviv area next week. It is demanding that if the authorities persist ## their refusal to arm the Jews, they should also refuse to give arms to the Arabs.

A minor, but provocative, incident occured today when police in the Acre district removed the licensed arms assigned to the village of Naharia for

A Jew, Heinich Stern, was killed in Haifa today, while two others were wound##e latter casualties were suffered when a truck containing Arab Legionnaires, ## of Abdullah’s army, drove through the streets with the soldiers firing at ###

An Arab was killed in Haifa after he had thrown a bomb at a Jewish bus. The ## caused no casualties, but the attacker was killed by pursuing Haganah men. ## a British soldier was shot dead in the Hacarmel quarter.

A Jew, Joseph Teitelbaum was killed near Latrun when the car in which he was ##lling from Givat Brenner to Jerusalem was shot at by Arabs. The second pas## fled to Acron on foot.


Although complete statistics are not available on the casualty toll during {SPAN}##night’s invasion of the Hatikvah quarter and adjoining Beth Jacob quarter by ##rong band of Arabs, using automatic weapons, grenades and mortars, the number ##odies found lying in the streets this morning attested to the ferocity of the ##.{/SPAN}Six Jewish inhabitants were wounded by bullets and one woman is reported {SPAN}##ing,{/SPAN} but no Haganah soldiers were hit. An eight-month-old child which was {SPAN}##ed{/SPAN} up by the raiders in a Jewish home during the height of the battle war re{SPAN}##ed{/SPAN} unharmed to a police station in the neighborhood this morning by an uniden{SPAN}##ied{/SPAN} Arab.

British authorities and the Jewish newspaper Haboker this morning estimated ## Arab casualties as 70 dead and 100-200 wounded. The Haganah labelled these ##ures as “exaggerated,” estimating that 12 Arabs were killed. Even Arab news##ers admitted that Arab losses had been high and said that most of the attackers ## come from villages and towns outside Jaffa to take part in the assault. Most ## the identified dead came from Lydda, while at least one carried a Syrian ideti##card.A Haganah communique on the battle lashed out at the Irgun, whose members it ##used of spreading panic among Tel Aviv’s inhabitants, and of interfering with ## Haganah’s defense of the area. The statement declared that Irgunists disrupted ##nema performances with shouts of “Jews are being slaughtered”, then approached the ##ganah lines and demanded arms and generally got under foot. The Irgun had denied ## statement and scored the Hagah’s policy of not fighting the Arabs until Jews ## attacked.

A police communique says that some 30 to 40 tin huts in the Arab village of ##meil, which is situated within the municipal boundaries of Tel Aviv, were yesterday burned down by Jews. It added that the inhabitants had fled previously and ##at Jewish police prevented further damage to Arab property.

A report from Damascus says that three Palestintian Jews, from a village on ## Syrian frontier, were killed yesterday in a clash with Syrian villagers. Many ##ws were said to have been injured. There was no confirmation of the report.

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