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Wailing Wall Question is Solved by League, London “morning Post” Reports

July 1, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The solution of the problem created by the recent removal on the request of the Arabs, who own the ground around the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, of the benches used by the Jews at the Wailing Wall, has been found, the Geneva correspondent of the “Morning Post” claims, in a despatch to that paper.

The correspondent of the “Morning Post” declares that William Rappard, Swiss member of the League’s Mandates Commission, suggested to the Vaad Leumi delegation. which complained to the League regarding the Wailing Wall incident, that the worshippers at the Wailing Wall adopt the method employed by the Alpine herdsmen who carry portable stools strapped to their waists.

The Arabs, the “Morning Post” writes, object to the permanent benches because they fear the Jews would erect roofs over the seats as protection against rain and would eventually claim ownership of the enclosed ground. They have, however, no objection to non-permanent seats.

The “Morning Post” correspondent asserts that the Vaad Leumi delegation, after some hesitation, accepted the suggestion made by Dr. Rappard.

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