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Witnesses from U.S. and Israel Testify Against Nazi Camp Guarp

November 5, 1959
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

New charges have been made against a Nazi forced labor camp guard already sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment, following testimony which disclosed that he served as a guard in two additional labor camps.

Paul Thomanek, a Sudetan German, was convicted in 1957 of the murder of five Jewish forced laborers in the East Galician camps of Kamionki, Hluboczeck and Czortkow. At that time, the prosecution had accused Thomanek of the murder of more than 100 persons.

The Hagen prosecution reopened inquiries when witnesses in the United States, Israel and Austria testified that the 50-year-old Nazi also guarded prisoners in labor camps in Swidowa and Jagielnica. During the 1957 trial, Thomanek repeatedly claimed. “I never shot a Jew.”

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