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World Congress of Jewish Teachers Discusses Jewish Education Problems

July 28, 1958
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A world congress of Jewish teachers, sponsored by the Jewish Agency and attended by 350 teachers from Israel and countries abroad, was told here today by Zalman Aranne, Israel Minister of Education that the principal content of youth education in Israel is “Jewish-Israeli consciousness. ” Mr. Aranne added that Israeli youth were also taught of the responsibility of Israel for the existence of the Jewish people.

Zalman Shazar, acting chairman of the Jewish Agency executive, spoke of Jewish education in the age of the ingathering of the Exiles. He stressed the relationship of the Zionist movement abroad and the development of Jewish schools.

Rabbi Zwvi Tabory, director of the Jewish Agency Torah education department in the United States, called for “spiritual pioneers” to devote themselves to education. He said the Israel pioneers transformed the physical wastes but that Jewish educators abroad had yet to defeat “the jungle of ignorance and darkness prevailing in their midst. “

At other sessions, the delegates heard BetAryeh, director of the Agency culture and education department, assert that the “need of the hour” was the effecting of unity between the people of Israel and the Jews abroad. Dr. Noah Nardi, an official of the Israel Ministry of Education, urged the establishment of more Hebrew days schools abroad and said that traditional Jewish education should be coordinated with pioneering values.

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