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U.S. Lists Full Congressional Delegation for Event in Jerusalem

A formal and revised list of the members who will represent the United States Congress at the dedication of Israel’s new Knesset (Parliament) Building on Tuesday was issued here today. On behalf of the Senate, and as representatives of Vice-President Humphrey as the presiding officer of the Senate, the delegation will be composed of Sen. […]

August 29, 1966
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A formal and revised list of the members who will represent the United States Congress at the dedication of Israel’s new Knesset (Parliament) Building on Tuesday was issued here today. On behalf of the Senate, and as representatives of Vice-President Humphrey as the presiding officer of the Senate, the delegation will be composed of Sen. Clifford Case, New Jersey Republican; and Sen. Donald Russell, South Carolina Democrat. The House of Representatives will be represented by Rep. William Murphy, Illinois Democrat; Rep. Frank Horton, New York Democrat; and Rep. Cornelius Gallagher, New Jersey Republican.

Three of the delegates are identified with foreign affairs. Sen. Case is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; while Reps. Murphy and Gallagher are on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

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