If a shawl falls at Nieman Marcus and no reporter sees it…

Sorry kids. No breathless-yet-uncomprehending reports on the fashion/silent auction/luncheon on Monday hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition’s National Women’s Committee and starring Hadassah Lieberman (Joe’s wife). (Ecru? Isn’t that a European currency?) The RJC closed the event, at the Nieman Marcus in downtown Minneapolis, to press at the last minute. The shutout comes as the […]


Sorry kids. No breathless-yet-uncomprehending reports on the fashion/silent auction/luncheon on Monday hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition’s National Women’s Committee and starring Hadassah Lieberman (Joe’s wife). (Ecru? Isn’t that a European currency?)

The RJC closed the event, at the Nieman Marcus in downtown Minneapolis, to press at the last minute.

The shutout comes as the Republican National Committee considers how to run a party convention this week as Hurricane Gustav bears down on the Gulf Coast. Lots of events have already been canceled. And the speeches of Sens. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Norm Coleman (R-Minn.), scheduled for Monday, are now, at the very least, postponed until later in the week.

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