- Obama’s "car non-czar," Ron Bloom, once worked at the Jewish Labor Committee, reports Time Magazine.
- The Nation says Republican senators think one way to stall Obama administration initiatives is to keep the Minnesota Senate seat open as long as possible, so they’re "pouring money" into Coleman’s recount fight: "[Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell, R-Kentucky, has given the maximum allowed amount of money to keep the Coleman recount fight going — $10,000 — as has House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio. Idaho Senator Mike Crapo slipped Coleman another $10,000, as have Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson and Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander. Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe is in for $5,000, as is Iowan Charles Grassley.
- Minnesota political and legal analysts say it would take a "miracle" for Coleman to prevail, writes Politico: Miracles do happen in politics — but four weeks into a court case that will decide the winner of Minnesota’s tortured Senate race, the GOP incumbent is facing just-about-insurmountable hurdles to overcome the 225-vote deficit he was saddled with at the end of the official recount.
Tidbits: Coleman needs a ‘miracle’