Is the Obama administration scrubbing ‘Jerusalem, Israel’?


Remember the controversy over how the White House was scrubbing "Israel" from official photos that had been captioned "Jerusalem, Israel"?

The comeback from the administration was that not recognizing Jerisalem as Israel’s capital was longstanding policy.

As Ben Smith points out at Politico, this is true, officially — but previous administrations were not as nitpicky about it.

Now Omri Ceren at Commentary uncovers evidence not only of previous administrations’ use of ‘Jerusalem, Israel,’ but that the State Department may be scrubbing such.

This is ahead of oral arguments at the Supreme Court on Monday in the case of Zivotofsky v. Clinton, in which a family is suing to get U.S. administrations to adhere to a 2002 law that allows U.S. citizens born in Jerusalem to list their country of birth as Israel on their passports.

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