Watch: Seth Rogen dishes on weed-smoking celebs

We just can’t stop talking about Seth Rogen lately! Sorry if you’ve had enough, but this clip from Bravo’s “Watch What Happens Live” is just too Jew-packed to resist. Last night the show’s host Andy Cohen got Rogen to play a round of “Spill the Herbal Tea,” in which the writer, actor and Alzheimer’s advocate […]


We just can’t stop talking about Seth Rogen lately! Sorry if you’ve had enough, but this clip from Bravo’s “Watch What Happens Live” is just too Jew-packed to resist.

Last night the show’s host Andy Cohen got Rogen to play a round of “Spill the Herbal Tea,” in which the writer, actor and Alzheimer’s advocate was asked to admit which celebs he’d “blazed up with.” Check out the startling results.

James Franco: “It’s depressing for me to say but I’ve never smoked weed with James Franco, because he doesn’t smoke weed!”

Paul Rudd: Yes, lots of times.

Sarah Silverman: Ditto.

Snoop Dogg: Naturally.

Barbra Streisand: “No, but we talked a lot about it a lot.” That said, Rogen did reveal that the diva has smoked with Peter Sellers.

Jonah Hill: Yep.

Willie Nelson: No, but believe it or not, Cohen has. Mazel!

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