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Knesset Appeals to All Nations to Ban Public Use of Swastikas

March 8, 1967
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Israel’s Parliament approved last night a motion appealing to all nations to adopt laws banning public use of the swastika in any form. The proposal will now be sent to all nations with which Israel has relations.

The motion, made by Herut leader Menachem Beigin, was adopted after the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee submitted a report urging all peoples who had suffered from Nazism to maintain a constant alertness against any recurrence of neo-Nazism so that the holocaust “which swept over our generation” should never recur. The committee’s conclusions are now part of the Knesset’s official record.

In calling on Parliaments throughout the world to bar the swastika, the committee said that the emblem, the symbol of Nazi Germany “which committed the most terrible of crimes — genocide — is identified by peoples with abominable crimes against humanity and its hoisting is therefore tantamount to public incitement to commit such crimes. “

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