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Rabbi Stolz Preaches Last Sermon, After 40 Years with Chicago Temple

(Jewish Daily Bulletin) Dr. Joseph Stolz, oldest Reform Rabbi in Chicago, preached his farewell sermon at the Temple Isaiah-Israel, on Saturday, after more than forty years service in this city. He spoke on ‘ Be Thou a Blessing.” Dr. Stolz was elected rabbi for life by the congregation fifteen years ago, but after completing forty […]

November 11, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Daily Bulletin)

Dr. Joseph Stolz, oldest Reform Rabbi in Chicago, preached his farewell sermon at the Temple Isaiah-Israel, on Saturday, after more than forty years service in this city. He spoke on ‘ Be Thou a Blessing.”

Dr. Stolz was elected rabbi for life by the congregation fifteen years ago, but after completing forty years of service, he requested his release and was elected Rabbi Emeritus. He plans to devote himself to literary and educational work. Dr. Stolz is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and the Hebrew Union College. He served three years as rabbi in Little Rock, Ark., before coming to Chicago in 1887.

“When I came to Chicago forty-three years ago, my work was chiefly with Russian refugees,” said Dr. Stolz. “Our most vital need still is religious education for the children. Without it there is degeneration and one of the most hopeful unclear#####

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