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Rosh Hashanah Begins This Year on September 14

August 7, 1928
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The High Holiday season this year will begin on Friday evening. September 14, when Hosh Hashanah will be ushered in. The Day of Atonement falls on Monday. September 24. Succoth. the Feast of Tabernacles, begins on September 29.

Funeral services for Oscar T. Luning late philanthropist of Oakland. Cal. were held last week. Mr. Luning, 65 years old and a native of San Francisco was the son of the late N. T. Luning, prominent business man and financier in the early days of San Francisco.

Since his retirement from active affairs. Mr. Luning had devoted much of his time to philanthropic work. contributing generously to the Fabiola hospital and maintaining several private charities.

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