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Universal Felicitations on Jewish Telegraphic Agency’s 15th Anniversary; Greetings Pour in from All

March 16, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Ever since it was made public that the Jewish Telegraphic Agency was to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of its foundation, an unexampled stream of messages of congratulation have poured into the offices of the J.T.A. from all parts of the world. No greater tribute to the universality and value of the J.T.A. could be paid than the variety of the personalities represented in the stream of greetings and the important positions filled by the signatories of the messages.

Almost every country is represented among the greetings received. In the United States the anniversary celebration has evoked acknowledgement of the J.T.A.’s value from Jews and non-Jews in every sphere of activity. This country is represented by such gracious greetings as those sent by Secretary of the Interior Harold Gebes and Governor Herbert H. Lehman; the Law, by Judge Irving Lehman, Felix Frankfurter, and Judge Stern; Philanthropy and communal service, by Felix M. Warburg and Judge Proskauer; National Organizations by Dr. Cyrus Adler of the American-Jewish Committee; Bernard M. Deutsch, President of the American-Jewish Congress; the Zionist Organization of America; Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropies, Heads of Jewish Educational Institutions, the Hadassah Organization — in short, every activity and organization that has enriched Jewish life in this country.

The congratulations and good wishes sent by news agencies and newspapers from different parts of the world, and the commendatory editorials in a host of papers are specially gratifying, coming as they do from institutions and organizations who understand well the functions of a news service such as the J.T.A., and the responsibilities involved in its proper functioning.

The good wishes and appreciation which have come in from numerous Embassies, Legations, and other representatives of governments are powerful comment on the potency of an agency which broadcasts far and wide the objective truth regarding Jewish events.

The messages which we print below are necessarily but a fraction of the many which continue to be received, and which it was not found possible to include in the present issue, owing to their late arrival.

H. Sliosberg, once one of the leaders of the Russian Community in Petrograd. M. Sliosberg is a tireless worker for Jewish causes, and a prime mover in the effort to provide firm foundation for the new Jewish settlements in France following the Russian revolution—Your Agency splendidly succeeds, owing to your energy and your care for the interests of Judaism to give ample and impartial information to Jews and to non-Jewish politicians, journalists and statesmen concerning the economic, social and political life of Jewry, especially in those countries where their life is so difficult at present. This is a great achievement and merit because your activities strengthen the solidarity which helps the Jews in their sufferings. I am sure that the Jewish people duly appreciate the immense work which you are carrying on in these difficult times.

Accept my congratulations on the occasion of your fifteenth anniversary and my sincere wishes of further success.

Leon Bramson, Paris—This tragical responsible moment rapid trustful information about Jewish life of particular value hearily wish success continuing your important function.—By Cable.

Rabbi Dr. Israel J. M. Mattuck, London—I congratulate you most cordially on the fifteenth anniversary of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, and I welcome this opportunity of expressing my appreciation of the services which it is rendering to the Jews and Judaism. I find its daily bulletin indispensable for my work. And experience has taught me to rely upon its reports as reliable and fair. It is a valuable link between the separated Jewries of the world, and the news it disseminates can, and I believe, does, promote among others a better understanding of Jews and Jewish life.

Col. Amery, London—I have come in sufficient contact with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in the course of my work as Secretary of State for the Colonies to be fully aware of its activity and initiative and of the important part it has played both in connection with Palestine, and more generally in connection with Jewish affairs. I trust that the celebration of its 15th Anniversary will be the success which is warranted both by the occasion and by the presence of so eminent a guest of honor as Dr. Einstein.

Col. Josiah C. Wedgwood, House of Commons, London.—There are days when I cannot bear to read the J.T.A.—when Germany and Poland and Roumania and even the Palestine Government are unbearable. But horrible as this nerve-rending record of injustice is, the J. T. A. seems to me to be the best hope for the future of justice and civilization. I thank you for what you have done for a cause that is as much mine as yours. The worst of disasters would be that you should cease to publish—without comment— the cold truth.

Barnett Janner, B.A., M.P., House of Commons, London—The value of your news service is recognized and appreciated for its reliability and trustworthiness by none more than those engaged in Parliamentary work. It is indispensable to an understanding of Jewish problems in the light of ever changing events. I congratulate you upon your great achievement during the past 15 years, and hope that you will continue for many years to spread that accurate and impartial knowledge about Jews and about incidents in Jewish life which are of inestimable help to those engaged in dealing with the manifold Jewish problems.

Sir Robert Hamilton, House of Commons, London—I understand that Professor Einstein is to be the guest of honor at a banquet to be held on 15th March to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

It is very fitting that Professor Einstein should be the guest of your Agency. The two great question-marks that face humanity are, “What are the facts?” and “What is the secret of the universe?” Your Agency has throughout endeavored to supply an answer to the first question and Professor Einstein to the second. “Magna est veritas et praevalebit.”

Isidore Salmon, London—I cordially congratulate the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on attaining its 15th Anniversary. I feel sure that its work in distributing information regarding the activities of the Jewish Community will be increasingly beneficial to the world at large.

It has my heartiest good wishes for its future success.

Elkan N. Adler, London; Historian and Student of Jewish Affairs—I hear that the Jewish Telegraphic Agency is celebrating its fifteenth anniversary on the 15th prox., by a banquet at which Einstein, the greatest Jew of our time, will be the guest of honor. The Agency is of the greatest value in spreading the truth about the Jews throughout the world. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth are the best means of scotching the malicious prejudices of anti-Semitism. Go on and prosper.

The Dowager Lady Swaythling, London—I am only too pleased to pay a tribute to the admirable work done by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. I hear from those qualified to judge that an Agency of this nature, especially when it is conducted with strict impartiality, is of invaluable service—not only to the Press, both Jewish and general, but also to the leaders of the Jewish Community in all countries. I wish you every success and continued prosperity.

Louis Golding, London; Author of “Magnolia Street” and Other Works of Distinction—It is a pity the Jewish Telegraphic Agency was not founded a few centuries earlier. A bright commentary on the Torquemada epoch would have been invaluable during this present Hitler epoch. But it is gratifying that Maimonides today looms larger than Torquemada, and Einstein tomorrow will make Hitler seem remote and irrelevant. But your Agency will do justice to both, I am sure.

Baron Pierre Gunzbourg, Paris—I appreciate very much the useful activities of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Please, accept my heartiest congratulations on the occasion of its fifteenth anniversary and my sincerest wishes of further splendid success.

Louis Zangwill, brother of the late Israel Zangwill, himself a novelist of achievement and a tireless student of Jewish affairs—That so novel and arduous an enterprise as a Jewish Telegraphic Agency survives triumphantly to celebrate its fifteenth birthday is a matter for congratulation not only to its courageous founder, but to the whole of World-Jewry. It was said of the learned Lipsius he was so great a prodigy that he produced a book on the day he was born. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency was so lusty an infant that it could be heard all over the Globe on the day it was born. To-day—on its fifteenth birthday—albeit still so young, its voice rings with full power and authority. And if we may look forward into the future, along the appropriate World-lines in Time-Space, shall we not discern the Centenarian in the far distance, Age upstanding in all the glory of Youth, and still progressing from strength to strength? The honored guest of this evening, Dr. Einstein, who sees farther and clearer along World-lines into Time-Space than the beclouded eyes of us others can compass, will, I am sure, endorse this vision. As a great worker for elusive unifications, he will be struck by the part Mr. Landau has played in seizing the psychological moment for the inception of his Telegraphic Agency and in rearing it to its present stature. By its services for the unification of the elusive fields of World-Jewry and the enhancement of the prestige of that same World-Jewry in World-Civilization, Mr. Landau has created both Romance and History.

Irvin F. Lehman, Pittsburgh—I feel that the Jewish Telegraphic Agency is really worth while and is the only source from which to get true conditions as pertain to Jews the world over. This agency is an important factor and should be adequately maintained.

Robert Szold, New York—On the occasion of the Fifteenth Anniversary of the beginning of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, may I add my good wishes. There is no doubt that the J. T. A. has rendered and is rendering service to the Jewish people. This has been so, not only in moments of crisis when prompt and accurate information from abroad has been necessary for intelligent action, but also from day to day. Jews can only be helped by a wide dissemination of the facts of Jewish life, not only among Jews but also among non-Jews; for the knowledge of such facts can only lead to a better understanding of Jewish problems and consequently toward their solution.

Dr. Julian Morgenstern, The Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio—I can but repeat the message which I have uttered on more than one occasion before, that I feel that the J.T.A. is rendering a service of tremendous value to the cause of Judaism and of Israel in that it makes every group and geographical section of the House of Israel acquainted with the fortunes, achievements, spirit, hopes and programs of every other group and section, and thus promotes in a most practical and constructive manner the ideal of a united world Judaism and world Jewry. This is a tremendous service, the value of which cannot be over-estimated. And because of the value thereof the J.T.A. merits the appreciation, the commendation and the hearty support of Jews and Jewry the world over.

Rabbi Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Free Synagogue, New York—I am glad to be able to say to you that I consider the Jewish Telegraphic Agency an indispensable instrumentality in Jewish life today. Large numbers of Jews throughout the world keep in touch from day to day with Jewish affairs who could not, without the Agency, know what is happening in these critical times. I hope that when economic conditions improve, it may become possible to plan to place the Jewish Telegraphic Agency upon an independent and absolutely non-partisan basis. I am sure that no one could desire that more heartily than would and do the heads of the Agency. The Agency is, ought to be, and must be maintained as an undeviatingly impartial news-collecting and news-distributing service of the Jewish people. As it is, the Agency has made a start in that direction. Long before another fifteen years shall have passed, may the Agency be placed upon a firm, independent basis which will make unthinkable influence upon or control thereof by any group or party or faction in Jewish life.

Rabbi David Philipson, Rockdale Avenue Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio—It gives me much pleasure to add my felicitations on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

You have performed and are performing yeoman’s service in gathering the news of Jewish interest from all parts of the world and making this information available to all of us every day through the columns of the Jewish Daily Bulletin. By this service you are constantly placing us under obligation. In a short space of fifteen years you have become the authentic source of information on Jewish world affairs.

Louis E. Kirstein, Boston—It is a privilege indeed to be able to pay tribute at the same time to a great man and a great cause. Professor Albert Einstein is the very embodiment of all that is noble in the Jewish Tradition. The Hebrew University has given us as a people our first opportunity in modern history to take our rightful place among the great centers of learning throughout the world. May Professor Einstein be granted many more years of creative and inspiring activity! May we be wise enough to uphold Dr. Magnes and his group of consecrated scholars in the heroic efforts they are making to keep the University in the high place which even in its infancy it has already earned!

Laurence A. Steinhardt, New York—The 15th Anniversary of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency coincides with a crisis in American financial and economic affairs—a crisis which many of us hope and believe marks the turning point to better days. Except for the splendid news-gathering system of the Agency widely separated Jewish communities would have little knowledge of how their brethren are faring. In assembling and publishing current events of interest and importance to the Jewish people, the Agency serves a valuable and unique purpose which has not been sufficiently appreciated. Moral and financial support for the Agency is a proper charge against the community which it faithfully serves.

Kermit Roosevelt, New York—May I heartily congratulate you on the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, which I understand will be celebrated on March fifteenth. May I also express every good wish for a long and honorable career of continued usefulness and value for the Agency.

Alexander Brin, writing in the “Jewish Advocate”, says—The Jewish Telegraphic Agency is a basic Jewish institution. As such, it is entitled to the moral and financial support of those whom it serves—all of us.

Mrs. Rebekah Kohut, New York—I am glad to add my word of appreciation for the intelligent and untiring service that the Jewish Telegraphic Agency has rendered the Jews of the world during the fifteen years of its existence.

The present condition of world affairs makes it more necessary than ever that we should know what is happening to our people everywhere. For this service we have only one medium to turn to, and that is the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, New York—I wish to say that the field in which the Jewish Telegraphic Agency operates is one in which a very useful service can be rendered. The opportunity for a better understanding amongst Jews of their responsibilities and the possibilities of mutual help are such that we should not neglect them.

Max J. Kohler, Prominent in Jewish Causes—I learn with much gratification that you are about to celebrate your fifteenth anniversary and am glad to have the opportunity to felicitate you on that important event. Your services to American and World Jewry, despite almost insuperable difficulties, have been well-nigh invaluable, and your organization has been not a personal, but a communal, institution. I fully agree with the sentiment the late Louis Marshall once expressed in my hearing at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Committee that if you were not already existent, American Jewry would have to create such a service. In the field of immigration and protection of rights of resident aliens—to which I devote special attention—your activities have been so important that I have heard Christian social workers say that they rely chiefly upon it for prompt and accurate information.

Abram I. Elkus, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey During the World War—The Jewish Telegraphic Agency fills a much needed want. It furnishes a daily account of all matters Jewish, near and far and therefore, it deserves encouragement and support.

Louis E. Levinthal, Philadelphia—The Jewish Telegraphic Agency is, in my opinion, one of the great Jewish educative forces of our day. It is book, newspaper, pulpit, platfrom, forum, all in one.

It was Heine who said: “In these times we fight for ideas, and newspapers are our fortresses.” Today we Jews are fighting for our existence and our integrity as a creative and self-respecting people, and the Jewish Telegraphic Agency is one of our most powerful strongholds.

Rev. S. Parkes Cadman, D. D., Cen-

315 P. O. Bldg.

San Francisco

March 10, 1933

Jewish Telegraphic Agency,

142 East Second Street,

New York City.


I congratulate yon heartily on the fifteenth anniversary. Your Daily Bulletin is, in my judgment, indispensable to every Jew, indeed to every individual, interested in world Jewish affairs. It has earned and deserves their continued support; especially in these times so trying for Jews in so many countries in Europe is the main and in many particulars the only reliable source of information. Only through your services is the great daily press of this country able to lay before its readers the news of many significant events affecting the Jews.

I congratulate you on the work that you have done and sincerely hope that you will have the support necessary to continue and to increase it in the future.

Very truly yours,


On a number of occasions in my public addresses, I have gone out of my way to stress the importance of having on the scene of action some one who can record what is transpiring from the point of view of Jewish interest. This the Jewish Telegraphic Agency is doing. Unfortunately, in the fifteen years of its existence, it was obliged to be, on all too many occasions, a harbinger of sorrow and suffering in world Israel. I am hoping that it will be given to your Agency in the very near future to be the bearer of glad tidings from our brothers on the other side to the Jews of America. May the 15th Anniversary of the founding of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency mark the turning point in this direction.


Twenty second, 1933.

Dear Mr. Landau,

I congratulate you and the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on the celebration of its Fifteenth Anniversary. It supplies news and information of high value to the Jewish Community generally and to all who are opposed to prejudice end misrepresentation.

Jacob Landau, Esq.


Anything which, in the spirit of concord, makes one country better known and understood by others, is doing a great work for civilization. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency, by spreading the knowledge of Jewish events and a better understanding of Jewish problems is a powerful instrument for good in the world. I wish it every success.


I have pleasure in testifying to the great value of the work done by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. So far as I can judge, its news seems to be given with intelligence, thoroughness and impartiality. In Europe it is almost inevitable that its reports are prevailingly of troubles and difficulties, for in countries like Holland or Italy or France or England, where all goes well with the Jews, there is obviously little to read. “Happy the community which has no history.” But this doleful character of its European news is not the fault of the J. T. A.! And we rejoice to know even doleful things, so long as the report of them is not exaggerated or colored up. The J. T. A. does not, I think, do this. I wish it all success.

52 William Street New York

March 10, 1933.

Mr. Jacob Landau, Managing Director,

Jewish Telegraphic Agency,

122 East 42nd Street,

New York City.

Dear Mr. Landau:

I regret exceedingly that, owing to illness, I shall not be able to take part in the dinner given in honor of Dr. Albert Einstein, at which recognition will be given of the service which the Jewish Telegraphic Agency has rendered to the Jewish community during the past fifteen years.

Especially in time of stress, such as that of the riots in Palestine, it has proven, to be of great value and in the unsettled conditions which prevail today, it can perform an important duty.

With best wishes for the continuation of the excellent work which you are doing, believe me

Cordially yours,



I am happy to congratulate the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on its fifteenth anniversary. During all these years it has rendered a service to the Jewish and non-Jewish press which only one who is himself an editor and a seeker for light in the dark fields of international affairs can wholly appreciate. I most warmly wish for it increased success, increased activity, increased power, and a continuance of its objectivity and reliability. Unfortunately some of the recent events in Europe have more than ever made the existence of such a service absolutely essential to the obtaining of the truth, for it is the habit of dictators everywhere to clap on censorships and to color the news, and also their sins against personal and public liberty.

State of New York executive chamber

March 9, 1933

Mr. Jacob Landau,

Jewish Telegraphic Agency,

122 East 42nd Street,

New York, N. Y.

My dear Mr. Landau:

It gives me great pleasure to congratulate the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on its Fifteenth Anniversary. In by many years of observation of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, I have learned to esteem it for the service it renders to the Jewish community by making available to the press of the world unbiased and up to date Jewish news.

Honest publicity is an effective weapon in the fight against prejudice, which is always based on ignorance. By spreading the truth and giving facts the Jewish Telegraphic Agency helps to form intelligent public opinion, which is the most effective force that can be invoked in the fight against unreasoning prejudice and misunderstanding.

With best wishes for your continued success, I am

Very sincerely yours,


The Jewish Telegraphic Agency is performing an indispensable work on education. May it prosper.


Permit me to add my congratulations and good wishes to you and to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on its fifteenth anniversary.

You are performing ably a useful service not only to Jews but to people of all races and creeds who regard the dissemination of truthful news as one of the ways to develop good-will between all people. May your organization continue its good work.


In connection with the special issue to be brought out on March 15, I am glad to send my congratulations on the very valuable work done by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Please let me add my best wishes for the future. At a time like the present, when racial strife is at once so dangerous and so active, an organization like yours deserves the hearty support of all people of good will.

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