Elsewhere: Orthodox school boards, dues and don’ts, the taxman cometh

JTA rounds up noteworthy items from the Web.

Public schools, Orthodox board: A Long Island school district where the the majority of board members are Orthodox Jews whose children don’t attend public schools continues to get high marks — but there are still tensions, exacerbated by the proposed sale of a building. (N.Y. Jewish Week)
When dues are don’ts: Rabbi Dan Judson of Hebrew College talks about Reform congregations that are replacing dues with voluntary contributions. (Reform Judaism)
The taxman cometh: As the IRS steps up enforcement and audits on Americans living abroad, some U.S.-born Israelis are considering renouncing their citizenship. (Times of Israel)

Back to the old neighborhood: A growing number of young Jews are moving to Rogers Park, a historically Jewish Chicago neighborhood that lost Members of the Tribe to the suburbs in the 1970s. (DNAinfo Chicago)

Olim with impact: The Orthodox Union’s magazine profiles six “Anglo,” or English-speaking, Orthodox immigrants who have influenced Israeli culture. (Jewish Action)

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