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Israeli Government Expects Arab-jewish War to Be Renewed; Arabs in Adamant Mood

July 1, 1948
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The conviction was growing here today that the Arab-Jewish war will be renewed on July 10, upon the expiration of the four-week truce arranged by U.N. mediator Count Folke Bernadotte,whose “peace proposals” are under consideration by the Israeli Government.

The returning shadow of war is noticeable in Tel Aviv as well as at the front. A blackout has again been imposed in Tel Aviv, while a visit to the front shows that the Egyptians in the southern part of the country are building gun emplacements barely one mile from Israeli settlements and positions. The general talk here is concentrated chiefly on the expected renewal of the hostilities and on the hard times which are believed coming.

The main reason for the assumption in Israel government quarters that the war will be renewed is the report by the Israeli emissaries to Rhodes, who are now back in Tel Aviv, that the Arab states are still in an adamant mood and are convinced that their military position is now better than Israel’s. Also, because public opinion is still fairly strong in the Arab countries against a compromise.

Meanwhile, food prices and rent are rising here to a point where Tel Aviv is today the world’s most expensive capital. There is also a marked shortage of food-stuffs in the city, because all available meat and certain other foods have been ear-#########

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