Sarah Silverman ‘aborts’ a burrito


You read it right.

The politically aware-yet-incorrect comedian tweeted a photo of herself with a pregnant belly and wrote, “It’s a burrito!”, only to tweet another picture a few hours later of her wearing the same outfit sans the pregnant belly with the caption reading, “Got a quickie aborsh in case R v W gets overturned.”

“R v W” is Roe v. Wade, the famous 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion and gave women the right to choose. Silverman, who is known for her liberal opinions and her support of President Obama (she made the famous Schlep video in 2008 urging young Jews to go to Florida and persuade their grandparents to vote for Obama). At least one conservative blogger did not find the gag funny. Silverman’s spokesperson confirmed that she is not pregnant.

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